In the latest release, MCCP FastTrack is fitted with the Lightning Experience, making your transition to Lightning Experience easier. Our developers have significantly improved the UI of MCCP FastTrack, aligning it with Salesforce Lightning Experience and anticipating Salesforce’s stop on supporting its Classic interface. Let’s go through the advantages of Salesforce Lightning with the new release 2.0 of MCCP FastTrack:
1- Improved productivity
With Lightning Experience, the loading speed has significantly improved. It now takes 1-2s to finish an action, while it might take 4-10s to process in Salesforce Classic. Using MCCP FastTrack’s latest release in Lightning Experience, your users will be able to shorten the time spent on creating Cycles and Cycle Plans.
2- Enhanced user-engagement
The interface of Lightning Experience is more user-friendly than Salesforce Classic. It is easier to use for new users. The design helps users to focus on the main part of each feature. The new update will help users to work more efficiently in MCCP FastTrack.
3- Better support from Salesforce
Salesforce will soon stop supporting the Classic interface and has been innovating on Lightning Experience since January 2020. Therefore, upgrading MCCP FastTrack to Lightning Experience allows you to better synchronize with other Salesforce features. Trueson has user-training services available to help your users familiarize themselves with the latest version of MCCP FastTrack.

MCCP FastTrack allows Business Administrators to prepare the Multichannel Cycle, Cycle Plans, Targets, and Activity Goals in Veeva CRM easily and quickly, without having to prepare load files. With MCCP FastTrack installed with Veeva CRM, you will:
- Shorten the time to prepare Multichannel Cycle Plans
- Simplify the process to set up and clone Cycles and Cycle Plans
- Mass assign Targets and Activity Goals across all Cycle Plans
- Minimize the risk of human errors
- Have an easy-to-use ETL feature with customizable templates for uploading data, supporting specific use cases

- Integrate directly with Salesforce, leverage Veeva CRM objects and processes
- Customize settings and filters based on local businesses’ needs and processes
- Have Trueson consultants advise on Multichannel Planning and Execution
MCCP FastTrack has successfully passed Salesforce’s Security Review and is available on Salesforce AppExchange.
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