Transparency & Anti-gift Law

In France, for several years now, successive anti-gift laws have continued to raise many difficulties in their application.
On the one hand, the publication on 15 June 2020 of the decree relating to the supervision of benefits (LEA) brings new constraints in the declaration of transactions for the benefit of healthcare professionals (PDS). On the other hand, the application of the law of 29 December 2011 and the decree of 21 May 2013 maintains the requirement to publish conflicts of interest between healthcare professionals and the pharmaceutical industry.
It is essential to structure yourself and find solutions to meet these regulatory requirements and constraints. How can you ensure that the data you report and publish is complete and accurate?
Optimise Transparency reporting and related processes
Trueson has deep expertise in deploying Events Management tools in various CRM , in particular in relation to compliance, Anti-gift Law, and transparency reporting on transfers of value.
- Implement processes related to compliance, Anti-gift Law and transparency reporting on transfers of value
- Develop connectors between your CRM and your transparency publishing tool, expense reporting system, etcetera
- Train your employees on new processes
- Provide custom reports, such as KPI Compliance, KPI Charter etcetera.
- Implement Veeva CRM Events Management
- Analyze events, enabling control and compliance with procedures and regulatory requirements, where necessary perform corrective actions
- Support you in deploying order declaration and publication tools
- Support you in publishing Transparency data from pre-publication checks and corrections
- Develop tools to facilitate monitoring and budgetary management for your managers
- Operational support to your end users